

The Rite of Baptism for Children includes these words, "The Christian community welcomes you with great joy." And it is also with great joy that our church helps parents prepare for the baptism of their baby! In bringing forward your child for baptism, you seek to make a permanent connection between your child and Christ within the context of the Catholic Church. No matter how close or distant your own relationship with God, the new life of your child has stirred a desire in you to seek baptism for him or her. In this sacrament, the Christian community promises to walk beside you in nurturing the faith of your child.

Choosing A Baptism Date

Please request a date at least 3 months in advance, as dates tend to fill up fast and this allows adequate time for preparation and formation.
Please read the below information before filling out the request form. Baptisms for babies and children (under the age of 7) are generally celebrated at 2:00 PM on Sundays. If your child is age 7 or older, please do not fill out the form. Instead, contact Emily Ember for information about the Rites of Christian Initiation for Children and religious education classes.

To request a Baptism date, please complete this form - One form per child being Baptized. 

Preparing For Baptism

If this is your first time bringing a child forward for baptism, it is a requirement of the Archdiocese of Chicago that both parents and godparents participate in a baptism preparation session. Preparation classes will be held on site with our Associate Pastor, Rev. Jesús Raya-Custodio or our Pastoral Associate, Brooks Robinson. These classes are held once a month in the evening, usually from 7pm-8pm. Godparents are welcome to attend class at St. Alphonsus or at their local parish.

If you have already had a child baptized at St. Alphonsus, it is not necessary to attend the preparation session again. But it is always spiritually beneficial for the parents as new information will be gleaned the second time around.

Choosing your Godparents 

We highly encourage parents to prayerfully think on who their child’s sponsors will be. Before making a selection, we suggest you attend our baptismal prep class, as the role of Godparent will be discussed and examined, and you will have the opportunity to discuss with the priest any questions you might have concerning someone’s eligibility.

In accordance with a most ancient custom of the Church, a person is only admitted to Baptism with a godparent, who represents the wider spiritual family and the role of the Church in nurturing the child's faith. It is therefore required that at least one godparent meet the requirements set forth by Canon Law and the Archdiocese.

Godparent Eligibility

A Catholic godparent must be:

  • At least 16 years old

  • Received all the Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic Church (i.e., Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation)

  • An active participant in the life of the Church, including regular attendance at Sunday Mass, and live a life in accordance with Church teachings.

  • If married, he or she must be married in the Catholic Church or the marriage recognized by the Catholic Church.

  • Not the parents of the child being baptized

A Letter of Eligibility will be provided for the Catholic sponsor(s) to fill out and have signed and sealed by their parish priest. This is required for the person to serve as sponsor, and must be turned in prior to the baptism.

Number of Godparents

The maximum number of Godparents is two, one male and one female. If it is not possible for a chosen godparent to be present at the baptism, a proxy may stand in his or her place. Outside of the Catholic godparent(s) and Christian Witness (if there is one), family members or friends are welcome to be baptismal witnesses if they do not meet the requirements for either a Catholic sponsor or a Christian Witness.

Christian Witness

A baptized, non-Catholic, Christian may serve as a Christian Witness with the Catholic godparent. A baptized Catholic who does not meet the requirements for a Catholic godparent cannot be considered a Christian Witness. A person who has not been baptized may not act as a Godparent or a Christian witness.


The suggested donation for a Baptism is $100, but anything you decide to give is greatly appreciated as it helps maintain our church and sustain our ministries. The baptismal offering may be made in advance through our GiveCentral link here, in the rectory office during business hours, or at the Baptism Liturgy by cash or check (payable to St. Alphonsus Parish) using the envelope provided at the prep class or at the baptism ceremony.

To learn more about preparing your child for Baptism at St. Alphonsus, please fill out the request form at the top of the page. Our parish Sacrament Ministry Coordinator will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you!